What We Treat
Skin Laxity
Skin Laxity Treatment in Miami
Do you reflect on the days when your skin was firm and supple? You know, the type of skin that bounces back when you push against it and simply has a youthful vibrance.
We all lose skin elasticity over time. There is no way to prevent it entirely. But whether you are just starting to see the gradual looseness that comes with age or have been frustrated with it for years, cosmetic treatments can help.
For years, surgical procedures were the only solution for tightening lax skin — nonsurgical treatments simply weren’t able to accomplish such a feat. However, you can now regain firmer, tighter, and smoother skin without extensive surgery or downtime.
Simple Aesthetics offers advanced nonsurgical skin tightening technology to improve laxity on your face and body. Our skilled and knowledgeable staff will walk you through your options and determine the best approach for rejuvenating your appearance.

What Causes Skin Laxity?
Collagen is a protein in our tissues that provides strength and structure. Elastin is a component that provides elasticity. Youthful skin requires both of these.
Sadly, our bodies produce less of these vital proteins as we age. When this occurs, you will start to notice the gradual loss of skin firmness. Additionally, events like pregnancy and weight fluctuations cause your skin to stretch rapidly, and as time goes by, it doesn’t contract as readily as it once did. Instead of looking firm and taut, your skin can become loose or saggy.
Skin laxity treatments can help restore youthful firmness on the face and body. Common treatment areas include the following:
- Jawline (to address jowls)
- Upper face (above and below the eyes)
- Neck and chest
- Abdomen
- Knees
- Hips
- Thighs
- Upper arms
Skin Laxity Treatment Options at Simple Aesthetics
At Simple Aesthetics, we offer an advanced nonsurgical treatment option to tighten mild to moderate skin laxity of the face and body.

Morpheus8 — RF Microneedling
Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive skin tightening treatment that can improve laxity on the face, add definition to the jawline and firm areas like the abdomen, hips, thighs and arms.
By combining microneedling with fractional radiofrequency (RF) energy, Morpheus8 improves overall skin health and texture. By replacing old, damaged and weak collagen with new, stronger and tighter collagen fibers, loose skin is pushed aside in favor of smoother, tighter and more beautiful skin that you will be proud to show off.
Most patients require a series of Morpheus8 treatments to achieve optimal skin tightening results. However, it’s important to recognize that this treatment is not suitable for addressing significant skin laxity or hanging skin, which is common after massive weight loss. If you are experiencing this type of looseness, surgical skin removal is still recommended. Ask your Simple provider how you can benefit from these treatments at Pure Plastic Surgery.
Smoother, tighter skin is possible; it’s pure and simple!
The Choice Is Simple.
Book Your Consultation Today!
If you are dealing with mild to moderate skin laxity on your face and body, there may be a nonsurgical solution for you. Simple Aesthetics offers Morpheus8 for the face and body so that you can restore a more youthful and vibrant look.
Contact our Miami office today at 954-824-0193 or fill out our contact form to get started.

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